Warning: Influencer Slander


It’s Cleb

…but, you knew that probably. If you didn’t I’m a gay, non-binary, gemini bimbo who loves coffee, laughing, and wiggling my butt to hyperpop. I send a seriously unserious email every sunday talking about goofy things I’m thinking, bad business ideas, and food that excites me.

Your Favorite Influencer Is Trying To Kill You.

As previously mentioned in an installment of this cursed newsletter series, the internet has become evil (and boring). I’ve been thinking a lot about this, and I am ready to take it a step further. Your favorite influencer is trying to kill you. They have become cogs in the capitalist regime designed to financially ruin you.

I present a motion where we should hereby de-platform every influencer who has surpassed 1 million followers after their five year term. In this proposal, I would hereby introduce the ideas that the market will regulate itself. If an influencer is vital to the culture, their ideas will find their audience again at the beginning of their new platform. Any influencers that tried to work around this new rule would be de-monetized for the remainder of their career.

This would solve a multitude of crimes and evils that exist on the internet currently. It would cure the hive mind culture that exists on social media. The platforms would be receiving content variety and influencers would be encouraged to create content that develops long term relationships with people.

Further, this would prevent the corporate-codification of mega-influencers like Mr. Beast, Logan Paul, Jeffree Starr, etc. (notice how all of these folks are white men but that’s for another email on another day). These folks create content for a living at the cost of those who watch. While you can argue that nothing is ethical under capitalism, I would argue that these creators don’t care if you live or die.

Finally, I will remind you of this. Your favorite influencers job is not to make content for you to enjoy, but it’s to be a palatable advertising medium for which you can consume and purchase from. You may want to believe they have your best interest at heart (and I do believe that some do at first), but they are complicit in the crimes of corporations against our health and wellness. They are, albeit passively, trying to kill you.

Regardless of your beliefs about all of this, I think I am right. So, if you agree with me, reply and share the name of an influencer who you think would choose to kill you if it made them more profit.

Shitty Business Ideas:

Hello Sharts, i'm here today asking for a gun.

This exciting new social media app is re-imagination of so many successful (and failed) inventions that paved the path before it. May invention is putting the word social back in social media. This application would be a community-oriented application that bars product placement, advertisement, and corporations of any kind. It would be a world where we just connect with our friends and our local community. I call this creation, Agora.

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Gay People Are Listening To:
Tough By Lana Del Rey

Personally, I am so happy that we are entering the dawn of a new Lana era. It’s not that I wasn’t a fan of her hit album, Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Boulevard, but I am foaming at the mouth for her “country” era. To me, this song evokes nostalgia of my small southern town filled with gruff old men. It makes me want to put up with my grandpa’s bullshit. It reminds me of my first taste of bourbon. Overall, I really like this single. It eats. What do you think? Was it a bop or flop?

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It’s Cleb

…but, you knew that probably. If you didn’t I’m a gay, non-binary, gemini bimbo who loves coffee, laughing, and wiggling my butt to hyperpop. I send a seriously unserious email every sunday talking about goofy things I’m thinking, bad business ideas, and food that excites me.