Hold My Purse...


It’s Cleb

…but, you knew that probably. If you didn’t I’m a gay, non-binary, gemini bimbo who loves coffee, laughing, and wiggling my butt to hyperpop. I send a seriously unserious email every sunday talking about goofy things I’m thinking, bad business ideas, and food that excites me.

Should I Be In a Conservatorship?

It’s actually not Brittany, bitch. It’s Cleb. Yea… so run and check that. As a disclaimer before we get started, this controversial-yet-brave take is brought to you by my ADHD, so you legally can’t be mad at me unless you want to be cancelled.

Now, if you aren’t intimately familiar with me, I have a solution-oriented mindset where the solution is spending money to solve my problems. That combined with my intense ability to not foresee upcoming expenses has really paired perfectly in a way that makes me unable to manage money (up until this year).

Which is why I was recently considering conservatorship and why it would be a hypothetical solution to all of my self created problems. Now I will be honest, and say that I’ve been forced to learn how to budget over the last several years. But it hasn’t been fun or easy, and conservatorship would be easier, even though it famously hasn’t worked well for literally anyone.

I will break down why for you:

  • Budgeting sounds boring as fuck.
  • Budgeting theory doesn’t account for little treat culture.
  • Budgeting requires me to carve out time and balance my checkbook and my little bank account app does that for me so why would I do that.

So I did what any chronically online person would do and I ignored my problems and created a situation that was so untenable that I had to get a second job.

At second job, I was so bored that I learned how to budget in my downtime. Now if that’s not an ADHD hack idk what is.

But basically I create a digital ledger so I can track my expenses and bills now (yippie) and created a little treat spreadsheet that lets me know my allowance for little treats on a daily basis. If you want it you can reply to this email and ask! If you have a method that works for you let me know. Either way, reply and let me know you are alive.

Free Business Idea:

Sharts, I am asking for 1 million dollars for 1 percent of my company.

This innovate mobile application is ready to revolutionize the tattoo industry. Using LiDar technology we will create 3-D models of client's bodies so that tattoo artists can prepare their pieces on an accurately sized canvas. It would allow us to manipulate placement and work around accurately sized existing pieces on the clients body. I call this, TattooViz.

What Gay People Are Listening To RN:

Extended edition of Dual Lipa's hit summer album, Radical Optimism just dropped. I'm freaking the fuck out. Should I make this section more detailed about how I connect with the music? Idk, you tell me.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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It’s Cleb

…but, you knew that probably. If you didn’t I’m a gay, non-binary, gemini bimbo who loves coffee, laughing, and wiggling my butt to hyperpop. I send a seriously unserious email every sunday talking about goofy things I’m thinking, bad business ideas, and food that excites me.